The year 2024 is the tenth anniversary of the birth of the 00A Association, whose name is a clear reminder of its analog vocation. For this occasion, 00A has given itself a new specific wording: “Center for Contemporary Photography.” The intensification of exhibitions and dissemination of photographic culture, between past and present, has activated a dense and fruitful dialogue with Bodies, Institutions, Festivals in the photographic and scientific fields, positioning 00A in the artistic panorama as a transdisciplinary reference point for dialogue around this medium. Firstly, with local exhibitions 00A has woven relationships and promoted projects with the Bruno Kessler and Dr. Schär Foundations, the Mamming Museum, the Galleria Civica (Mart) and the Trento Filmfestival; secondly, at the national level the Association has dealt with the Physics of Matter Department of the University of Florence, the Municipality of Pistoia and participated in AMACI’s Day of the Contemporary with three events between Trento and Merano. Thirdly, on the international scene, 00A became a member of the “European Society for the History of Photography,” activated an international artist residency “Rotlicht Satellite” in Trento, thanks to the exchange project with the Festival for Analog Photography “Rotlicht” in Vienna. The intertwined relationships with actors in the academic world have brought 00A’s artistic, technical and scientific experience into various scholarly contributions. Through the visual form of the several exhibitions, 00A has looked at and shown contemporary photography through different framings and multiple techniques: from analog photography, with trespassing into interferential and cyanotype, to digital, bringing to the general public a range of multifaceted artistic content. The exhibition venue 00A Gallery in Trento, following museum stylistic guidelines, became a place designed ad hoc for photographic fruition, thus allowing site-specific set-ups for the chosen artistic projects. At the same time the exhibition “pop-up” in Merano - with the fruitful collaboration of Mairania 857 - expanded into a convivial “meeting salon” for events aimed at the general public, thanks to the versatility of the spaces of the Center for Culture. As a corollary to the exhibitions and talks, 00A is pursuing an editorial activity to enable its artistic projects so to resonate outside the local area; this Magazine is its natural consequence. |